Hege Tapio
Artist Conversations @ Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst with FeLT, OsloMet
Hege Tapio [NO] is pursuing her artistic research as Phd fellow at FeLT – Futures of Living Technologies at OsloMet. With the FeLT project her research is focusing on emotion-technology, the speculative convergences of machine technology and human bodies, with focus on the areas involving emotions, sensing and empathy. Her practice as an artist and curator focuses on emerging media interconnecting, art, technology and science. Tapio is involved as curator in the research project Caring futures: developing new care ethics for technology-mediated care practices (QUALITECH) at the University of Stavanger. She is also part of the team of NOBA – Norwegian Bioart Arena, developing and programming the Norwegian hub for Bioart located at Vitenparken by Campus Ås.