Eirik Havnes & Lars Ove Fossheim

Meta.Morf 2022 – Ecophilia / Dokkhuset / Concert May 18 @ 20.00 / Doors open 19.30
Tickets NOK 190/250 here
Alt som lever skal dø (Every living thing will die)
Eirik Havnes [NO] & Lars Ove Fossheim [NO]
Every living thing will die is a performance that asks, and even attempts to answer, a lot of answerless questions.
Are we humans still a part of nature, or have we parted and are now looking at nature from the outside, rather trying to manage it? What kind of value is there in all our knowledge about math, philosophy, art and technology? Will there still be any value left in a world without humans to observe it? That world will exist at some point in time. Either in a hundred or a hundred thousand years, there will be a world without us. If humanity, our greed and our cognitive abilities have been developed by evolution, does that imply that letting humans destroy the climate simply will be an act of letting evolutions take its course?
Every living thing will die is a text based performance, about the relationship between humans and nature and how they relate. The text is written by Eirik Havnes, music by Lars Ove Fossheim and Eirik Havnes for a quartet of them and drummer Martin Langlie and tubaist Heida Karine Johannesdottir Mobeck.
Eirik Havnes is a poet that brings existential thoughts and problems into an everyday conversation, in an unique and informal mix of rhyming poetry and well timed monologues. A format he found and perfected in the 2020 live recorded show “Life” that describes a life from conception till death. This time around he focuses on not a singular life, but life on earth in general, humanity as a concept and the absurdity of life, in a high paced enchanting monologue.
The music is a playful mix of 80s retrofuturism, science fiction, harsh noise, field recordings and fundamental music principles found in enthic music from all over the world. A musical journey that combines the obviously technological, structured and digital with the chaotic, organic and natural.
Text: Eirik Havnes
Music: Lars Ove Fossheim
Lars Ove Fossheim, guitar, electronics
Eirik Havnes, guitar, electronics
Martin Langlie, drums, electronics
Heida Karine Johannesdottir Mobeck, tuba, electronics
The performance is a commissioned work for Meta.Morf 2022 under the auspices of Jazzfest and TEKS – Trondheim Elektroniske Kunstsenter.
Supported by Arts Council Norway.
Eirik Havnes & Lars Ove Fossheim
Eirik Havnes er en poet, musiker, komponist og lydkunstner fra Ålesund som de siste årene har jobbet med natur som et gjennomgående tema innen alle sine kunstretninger.
Dokumentarfilmen Polyfonatura fra 2019 tar for seg hans arbeid med feltopptak som musikalske instrumenter, mens Livet av Havnes fra 2020 er en poesifilm som har definert Havnes som en nyskapende formidler av aktuelle filosofiske og politiske spørsmål. Havnes ble nominert til Edvard-prisen for teksten til Livet.
Lars Ove Fossheim er en gitarist og komponist fra Volda med en fot innen kunstrock og en annen innen minimalitisk samtidsmusikk. Han har utmerket seg som en nyskapende gitarisk via band som Broen, Skadedyr, Snøskred og Your Headlights are On, med fokus på klang, tekstur og en utvidelse av gitarens.
Eirik Havnes is a poet, musician, composer and sound artist from Ålesund who in recent years has worked with nature as a recurring theme in all his art directions. The documentary Polyfonatura from 2019 deals with his work with field recordings as musical instruments, while The Life of Havnes from 2020 is a poetry film that has defined Havnes as an innovative communicator of current philosophical and political issues. Havnes was nominated for the Edvard Prize for the text of Life.
Lars Ove Fossheim is a guitarist and composer from Volda with one foot in art rock and another in minimalist contemporary music. He has excelled as an innovative guitarist via bands such as Broen, Skadedyr, Snøskred and Your Headlights are On, with a focus on sound, texture and an extension of the guitar.
Header Graphics and Portrait Photograph: Christian Winther.