Martinus Suijkerbuijk

Meta.Morf 2024 – [up]Loaded Bodies / Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst / Conference April 20 / Curator: Zane Cerpina

Languaging AI: The Making of Behavioral Media

Still in its nascent phase, the evolution of Large Language Models (LLM) has already captivated the minds of CEOs and politicians, disrupted institutional infrastructures, and skyrocketed the valuation of startups and enterprises. Our exploration begins with the concept of ‘Languaging AI,’ a term that signifies the reciprocal and mutual structural couplings between humans and AI. It heralds a paradigmatic shift in the way we perceive and interact with AI media and, inversely, how AI media interacts with us. It revokes the ontological privilege that natural language belongs to the human alone, and that it has indeed crossed over to the domain of machines. This presentation delves into the heart of this transformation: the active engagement of technologies as dynamic participants in the creative and communicative process, negotiating the development of culture, now identified under the banner of Interactive AI. 

Interactive AI is set to define the new epoch of media interaction, birthing Behavioral Media (BM) as a collection of new media, characterized by a reciprocal cognitive modeling between AI agents and users, surpassing old paradigms of user-media interaction to enable a complex, two-way exchange of influence and adaptation. The protagonists of BM are LLM-based agents that evolve into dynamic narrative agents with the capability to transcend conceptual boundaries. These agents act as versatile intermediaries in conversations that span species, historical periods, and conceptual frameworks, enriching the nature of narrative interaction. Their introduction not only pushes the envelope in cognitive modeling but also redefines storytelling, enabling the creation of complex and interconnected narratives. This evolution signifies a profound change in how narratives are conceived, experienced, and shared, positioning LLM-based agents as pivotal in shaping the future of narrative engagement. 

This new generation of media is an evolutionary leap beyond the confines of traditional input-output mechanisms. These advanced models emerge as agents with a degree of autonomy, not merely facilitating but actively engaging with, contributing to, and shaping our dialogues, narratives, and artistic expressions. They become collaborators, intertwining with human creativity to navigate and knit together the rich tapestry of our

cultural heritage, spanning diverse epochs, styles, and narratives. This collaborative potential marks a departure from viewing technology as a tool, positioning it instead as an equal partner in the creative endeavor. 

Central to this paradigm is Behavioral Media’s impact on an industrial desire for emergent abilities—capabilities that are essentially indeterminate yet drive a techno-political ideology aimed at uncovering new possibilities and capacities. 

During the presentation, the theoretical findings are coupled with a functional prototype: the artistic research project by the author “TuringGaia: Entering Thermodome,” featured at Meta.Morf 2024. This project illustrates how LLMs function as dynamic narrative agents, capable of navigating complex storytelling ecosystems that meld conceptual, historical, and biological threads, all while maintaining a connection to the human through natural language.

Martinus Suijkerbuijk’s (NL/NO) diverse background forms the blueprint of his artistic practice. He holds a degree in Automation Engineering and Industrial Design. In 2017, he graduated from the International MFA program at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Arts, where he is also currently a PhD candidate. His work is best understood as an experimental practice that connects, translates, and operates across the borders of different media, artistic genres, and disciplines. Within his practice, he explores the fringes of art, technology, and philosophy through the potential of alliances and collaborations. His technical background has enabled him to work across industries. He has been invited to present his research and work at art institutions (ZKM, Sónar+D Barcelona, Meta.Morf 2020) as well as technology conferences (CHI 2018, Philips Trend Event). Presently, his artistic research centers around the possibilities of Artificial Aesthetic Agents through AI technologies and gaming engines.