Fractured bonesSep. 28 & 29@ TeaterhusetAvantgarden

Teaterhuset Avant Garden – Friday Sep. 28 at 7PM and Saturday Sep. 29 at 7PM. Am I in? (or out?) Am I lost? (or found?) Don’t look back. Keep moving forward. Do nothing of any notice, nothing to make anyone remember you. Everything by chance. All words without thought. Follow that which you love in a straight line. Who would you be if you decided not to be who you are anymore? «fractured bones/ let’s get lost» draws on ‘disappearance’ impulses to create a performance that…
Open Experimental Electromagnetism Workshopw/ Peter FlemmingOct. 1 @ TEKS

Open Experimental Electromagnetism Workshop / Peter Flemming We will start with a short demonstration and some introductory words on the subject of electro-magnetism. Participants will then wind their own electromagnetic coils, to be used as part of an experimental loudspeaker improvised from a found object resonator supplied by the participant. Possible resonators: plastic food containers, buckets, drums, cans, glass… does it sound good when you tap your finger on it or speak into it? Bring it in! Bring a bunch of things because not everything…
Synergy of music and stereoscopic images and sequences.Oct. 6 @ Gløshaugen

The Light & Colour Group @ NTNU – Daylight Lab and Room Lab. The Light & Colour Group at NTNU is established at the Department of Architectural Design, Form and Colour Studies. It consists of architects, interior architects, physicists and artists. This diverse group of professionals contributes to a working atmosphere where research has crucial multidisciplinary input. The Light & Colour group has developed contacts with a number of academic institutions and companies in and outside Norway, which gives the advantage of a broad interdisciplinary scientific…
”””’Open workshop w/ Andrew M. McKenzieOct. 15 – Oct. 18@ TEKS

A Workshop with Andrew M. McKenzie Monday October 15 – Thursday October 18 As life in the modern world quickens, shallows, intensifies in quantity and not quality, having the tools to take control of perception means that you can deal with situations which until now, you thought were beyond your power to control, leading to a place where the deepest desires and their manifestation in the world are available in a state of real Freedom. “”””’” is a workshop dealing with techniques for Time Distortion,…
Sense-IT@iet.NTNUOct. 6 @ Gløshaugen

A-me : Augmented memories A-me is a hypothetical memory recall device that enables the user to immersively experience human memories. It aims at criticizing paradigms related to brain/mind imaging that are currently under discussion in the scientific community. A-me investigates the implications of approaches to brain science, such as reductionism, and phenomenology. Thus, it is a symbolization of the current scientific discussions on human behavior through brain activity analysis. A-me is also a technical research on Augmented Reality techniques applied to brain visualization and…
SOUNDWALKSep. 30 / Oct. 10 / Oct. 27@ TSSK

How do we listen to the everyday sound environment? How do we listen to art? Usually, we tend to get information about everyday environment through sight. At least we are most used to get information through sight. However, a lot of signals in everyday life are tied to hearing. Usually these are signs of warning – the car coming up from behind, the sound signal of a pedestrian crossing and so on. The auditory environment is extremely complex, and we depend on an acute auditory…
OUR TOYSOct. 15 – 19@ ReMida

Creative play with information technology | Workshop @ ReMida, Oct. 15 – 19. One of the main goals of the Our Toys project is to enhance interaction and exchange between arts and science, which can be achieved by guiding young teenagers’ attention to the creative character of computer programming and its relation to real-life objects and events. During the art & technology biennale Meta.Morf 2012, four single-day workshops will be organized at the ReMida Centre in Trondheim, inviting 12 year olds to become creators using…
The Ballad of Genesis And Lady JayeOct. 22 & 24@ Cinemateket

Cinemateket. I samarbeide med Forum Nidrosiae og konferansen ‘HERE TO GO‘. Genesis P-Orridge (f. Neil Megson i 1950) var en grunnleggerne av Throbbing Gristle i 1975, bandet som egenhendig oppfant musikksjangeren “industrial”, både gjennom musikken i seg selv – maskinmessig, støyende elektronisk avantgarderock – og en praksis og livsstil der Throbbing Gristle ble framstilt som et industriforetak som tilbød en lang rekke ulike produkter. Disse produktene kom i form av plater, konserter, kunstverk, performance og andre inngrep i det offentlige rom, og etterhvert også enkeltmennesker…
FLicKeR Oct. 22 & 23@ Cinemateket

Cinemateket. I samarbeide med Forum Nidrosiae og konferansen ‘HERE TO GO‘. Brion Gysin (1916-1986) var en britisk poet, lydkunstner, maler, forfatter og performanceartist som øvet stor innflytelse på en rekke mer kjente aktører i det siste halve århundrets avantgarde. Han påvirket William S. Burroughs til å bruke den karakteristiske cut up-stilen i sitt forfatterskap, og han ble en ledestjerne for esoterisk interesserte kunstnere som Genesis P-Orridge, Marianne Faithfull, Kenneth Anger og Kurt Cobain(!). Gysin, som i ungdommen var en del av det parisiske surrealistmiljøet, konstruerte…
SOUNDSPACE 1:1Public installationSep. 27 – Oct. 28@ Trondheim

Architecture students cooperate with students from the music technology program on the theme of Sound and Space in city spaces. To study architecture is largely about developing a consciousness about the meaning of space, of its possibilities and its limitations. The first phase of this learning process is to explore and create space – to get personal experiences with the spatial. The first assignment one gets as an architecture student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a complete small-scale building project. The…