Sense-IT@iet.NTNUOct. 6 @ Gløshaugen

A-me : Augmented memories A-me is a hypothetical memory recall device that enables the user to immersively experience human memories. It aims at criticizing paradigms related to brain/mind imaging that are currently under discussion in the scientific community. A-me investigates the implications of approaches to brain science, such as reductionism, and phenomenology. Thus, it is a symbolization of the current scientific discussions on human behavior through brain activity analysis. A-me is also a technical research on Augmented Reality techniques applied to brain visualization and…
SOUNDSPACE 1:1Public installationSep. 27 – Oct. 28@ Trondheim

Architecture students cooperate with students from the music technology program on the theme of Sound and Space in city spaces. To study architecture is largely about developing a consciousness about the meaning of space, of its possibilities and its limitations. The first phase of this learning process is to explore and create space – to get personal experiences with the spatial. The first assignment one gets as an architecture student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a complete small-scale building project. The…