Markus Kison / Pulse

Pulse (2012) Co-produced by Meta.Morf / TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre & V2_, Rotterdam, 2012 Rubber, acrylic glass, motors, arduino microcontrollers, laptop, processing applications, Internet connection, API. Pulse is a live-visualization of recent emotional expressions, written on private weblog communities like Weblog entries are compared to a list of emotions, which refers to Robert Plutchik’s seminal book Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotion published in 1980. Plutchik describes eight basic human emotions in his book: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation. He developed a diagram…


 Terrestrialball (2010) A small spherical object made with the 94 naturally occurring elements on Earth. It measures 1 inch in diameter. Terrestrial Ball is a small, spherical object made of the 94 elements that occur naturally on earth. It is at once a tangible look at the world we live in, a memento of our home and an object that relates in an elementary way to every other object and substance that has ever been made. Meteors – bits of other worlds that fall onto…


Guto Nóbrega / Breathing

 Breathing (2009) Breathing is a small step towards new art forms in which subtle processes of organic and non-organic life may reveal invisible patterns that interconnect us. Breathing is a work of art based on a hybrid creature made of a living organism and an artificial system. The creature responds to its environment through movement, light and the noise of its mechanical parts. Breathing is the best way to interact with the creature. This work is the result of an investigation of plants as sensitive…


Cesar Harada, Etienne Germez, Gabriella Levine, Kasia Molga, Sebastian Mueller / Protei

Shape-shifting Open Hardware Sailing Robot for Ocean Sensing and Cleaning PROTEI Protei is an international collaborative project born at the intersection of art, interaction
design and science. Initiated by Cesar Harada in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil spill, Protei is developed primarily to intercept Oil Spills sheens drifitng down the wind with a long oil absorbant “tail” sailing up the wind. With its shape-shifiting hull, it appropriates existing technologies in an innovative low cost design that can be implemented on the short term


Stelarc / Prosthetic Head

 Prosthetic Head (2003) Prosthetic Head is an automated, animated and reasonably informed artificial head that speaks to the person who interrogates it. The PROSTHETIC HEAD project is a 3D avatar head, somewhat resembling the artist, that has real time lip-synching, speech synthesis and facial expressions. Head nods, head tilts and head turns as well as changing eye gaze contribute to the personality of the agent and the non-verbal cues it can provide. It is a conversational system which can be said to be only as…


Zimoun / 25 Woodworms

 Woodworms, wood, microphones, sound system (2007 – 2012) ”Using simple and functional components, Zimoun builds architecturally-minded platforms of sound. Exploring mechanical rhythm and flow in prepared systems, his installations incorporate commonplace industrial objects. In an obsessive display of curiously collected material, these works articulate a tension between the orderly patterns of Modernism and the chaotic forces of life. In an obsessive display of curiously collected material, these works articulate a tension between the orderly patterns of Modernism and the chaotic forces of life. Carrying an emotional depth,…

PikselSavers 2012
Oct. 5 – 7 @ Gallery KIT


 PikselSavers 2012 – screensavers that makes a difference! Oct. 5 – 7 @ Galleri KiT   PikselSavers is a screening programme of short movies and software art curated by the Piksel festival in Bergen. PikselSavers was commissioned by and first shown at the biennial for art and technology in Trondheim, Meta. Morf 2010. It was later presented at Pixelache Helsinki in March 2011 and at The Norwegian Telecom Museum during summer 2011. The programme was selected based on an open call for participation and the…

Public installation
Sep. 27 – Oct. 28
@ Trondheim


Architecture students cooperate with students from the music technology program on the theme of Sound and Space in city spaces. To study architecture is largely about developing a consciousness about the meaning of space, of its possibilities and its limitations. The first phase of this learning process is to explore and create space – to get personal experiences with the spatial. The first assignment one gets as an architecture student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a complete small-scale building project. The…

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