Meta.Morf 2012 has come to an end!

Philip Beesley, ‘Epiphyte Grove’, commissioned work for Meta.Morf 2012 [Photo: Andras Schille] After 1 month with 120 artists, musicians, writers and scientists visiting from 17 nations, Meta.Morf 2012 has finally come to an end. Thanks to all volunteers, collaborating partners, sponsors and the great biennale staff for making Norway´s most extensive cultural event for art and science possible once again! Welcome to Meta.Morf 2014, stay tuned! Meta.Morf 2012 – A Matter of Feeling – was arranged between Sep. 27 & Oct. 28 2012. 27….
UT-Awards 2012 for Meta.Morf!

Adresseavisens UT-Awards for 2012 for årets Trønderske utstilling gikk til Meta.Morf! The readers of Adressavisen voted Meta.Morf 2012 as the exhibition of the year in Trondheim! We are super proud and humble! The award is a huge encouragement for continuing working with Norway’s most extensive biennale for art and technology! A thousand thanks to all our collaborating partners, to our sponsors, to the great biennale staff, not to mention all all the volunteers that made it possible to realise Meta.Morf 2012! Meta.Morf 2012 websted! Meta.Morf 2012 –…
Video documentations: “A Matter of Feeling”September 28 – 29

Rachel Armstrong – Alex Adriaansens – Stelarc – Takashi Ikegami – Neil Harbisson – Philip Beesley – Klaus-Peter Zauner – Guto Nobréga – Driessens & Verstappen – Jessica de Boer – Xandra van der Eijk – Peter Flemming – Antony Hall – PROTEI: Etienne Gernez, Gabriella Levine, Kasia Molga, Sebastian Müllauer Check out the Meta.Morf 2012 channel @ Vimeo!
Meta.Morf 2012 – Biennale for art & technology

Trondheim Kunstmuseum – Gråmølna Babel Visningsrom for kunst | Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunst (TSSK) Rake Visningsrom | ReMida – Senter for kreativ gjenvinning | Teaterhuset AvantGarden | Forum Nidrosiae | Klubb Kanin | Trondheim Cinematek | Byscenen | Trondheim Elektroverksted | BrukBar / SUPA | Blæst | Verkstedhallen | Dokkhuset | Forskningsdagene | NTNU
Sponsors and Partners

Sponsors and collaborating partners of Meta.Morf 2012!