Meta.Morf X – Digital Wild / Dokkhuset, March 6 – 7, 2020 / Curator: Zane Cerpina

Jurij V. Krpan [si]
Thinking with My Disembodied Brain

The digital environment gets severely difficult to survive since the incredibly powerful algorithms are taking over. Our databodies that are formed of millions of bits are more and more endangered since our care for them isn’t part of our culture yet. The pandemonic AI delirium where everything in our connected life is going to be processed, is offering an odd picture of the world where nobody and nothing will be excluded. But do we want to live in a world where binary digital realm connected with ubiquitous sensors will shape our physical world so profoundly and so predictable? Can we think instead about our digital self emancipated from machines and embody biocomputability of non-human living systems?

Mojca Založnik, Gregor Krpič
Liminal indeterminancy
Galerija Kapelica

Jurij V. Krpan
At the initiative of the Student Organisation of the University of Ljubljana, he conceived the Kapelica Gallery – Gallery for Contemporary Investigative Arts, which he has been running since. As a senior curator and selector, he has contributed to domestic and international festivals, the biggest international productions to date being the organization and artistic management of the Slovenian pavilion at the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003 and the conceptual gallery Cosinus BRX at the European Commission building in Brussels and the triennial of Contemporary Investigative Arts 2006 at Museum of Modern Art – Ljubljana. In September 2008 he curated the presentation of the Gallery Kapelica in the Featured Art Scene section of Ars Electronica in Linz, and in 2009 the survey of 80 years of avantgarde art in Slovenia. In 2014 he co-curate the Designing Life section for Biennial of product design in Ljubljana and co-curate the Slovenian pavilion at Venice biennial for architecture. He was a juror at Prix Ars Electronica for the Hybrid Arts category in the year 2010, ’13, ’15, ‘16 and 2017. Jurij Krpan lectures about the artistic profile of the Kapelica Gallery in Slovenia as well as abroad.

Photo: Mojca Založnik & Gregor Krpič: Liminal indeterminancy.
A mobile lab for indirect observation of submolecular activity of cancer cell.

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