Meta.Morf X – FAEN EXHIBITION: FY FAEN SÅ BRA! / Gallery KiT, March 8 – 22, 2020 / Curator: Zane Cerpina

Annike Flo [no]
c o c r e a t : e : u r e s :  s h i f t

c o c r e a t : e : u r e s :  s h i f t is Annike Flo in partnership with the myriad of beings living in the KiT gallery space, its human visitors and yet to be discovered guests. The project is a performative experiment attempting to shift our perceptions of other beings from other to kin, and our perspective of self from singular to plural.  

s h i f t  is inspired by the Human Microbiome Project which, among other discoveries, has revealed that microorganisms living within us play key parts in, and influence our immune system, our brain, and our genome, which all used to be biological explanations of the individual self. There is no clear line between us and other, you and your surroundings. How and where do we start to feel like a metaorganism?  s h i f t  plays with the idea of the historical Salon as a place of meeting + discussion, but also as a non-sterile and fluid aesthetic that can facilitate human-microbe encounters. Away from a scientific or medical lens, s h i f t  gives space to, nurtures and allows microorganisms to flourish where they already live, in this case, KiT’s gallery space, and on offerings donated by visitors.  

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Annike Flo
Through her practice, Annike Flo investigates how to create in the age of the Anthropocene, working  with themes of agency, and our relationship to ourselves and other organisms from a scenographic perspective. By including others who do their own worlding in staged spatial events, together with a human audience and herself, her work plays with the fusing of reality and performance. Annike holds an MA in scenography from the Norwegian Theatre Academy (2018) and a BA in costume for performance from London College of Fashion, University of the Arts (2010). After graduating from LCF she specialized in design for immersive and participatory theatre (secret cinema, punch drunk, immersive cult), which she brings into her current artistic practice. Flo currently works as artistic project leader for Norwegian BioArt Arena, NOBA, in Ås.

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